Mon – Fri Price 30 € for adults 17 € child (4-14 years) Sat – Sun Price 35 € for adults, 17 € child (4-14 years)
Package includes: Termid day ticket Gym 08:00-21:00 (for the childs playground 1 hr) Buffet lunch or dinner Minigolf (from May-September) Discount for the threatments 20% (need to show Health Day ticket) Additional information Buffet catering: Lunch 12:30-15:00 Dinner 17:30-20:00 25 m swimming-pool Mon-Sun 06:00-08:00; Mon 14:00- 22:00, Tue-Sun 10:00-22:00 gym 08:00-21:00 sauna-centre Termid Information and reservations +372 33 42910