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Health researches, analysis

Health researches, analysis

Medical examination

ECG with medical consultation 20€

Blood vessel examination (neck, arms, legs - choose one) 70€

This test determines the direction of blood flow and its velocity in the blood vessels. It also allows us to assess vein transparency and vein valve movement and diagnose deep vein thrombosis (blood clots forming in the vessels).

Abdominal cavity (kidneys, liver, gall bladder, pancreas) sonography 50€

Ultrasound diagnostic – Ultrasound is a safe and painless diagnostic procedure that bounces high-frequency sound waves off internal organs or structures and captures the returning “echoes” as images. Helps to prevent different diseases such as tumors.

Pelvis organ ultrasound (uterus, ovaries, bladder) 40€

Ultrasound diagnostic – Ultrasound is a safe and painless diagnostic procedure that bounces high-frequency sound waves off internal organs or structures and captures the returning “echoes” as images. Helps to prevent different diseases such as tumors
Please come to examination with full bladder!

Gland examination (choose one: thyroid gland, prostate or mammary glands) 40€

An ultrasound exam is used to determine the anatomic condition of the prostate, thyroid gland or mammary glands as well as for discovering tumorous diseases.

Please come to your prostate exam with full bladder.

Drink 3-4 glasses of liquid 2-3 hours before the examination.

Papilloma removal 30€

Laboratory blood analyses

Venous blood analyses 25-30€

  • Complete blood check
  • Analyses of lipid metabolism: total cholesterol and fractions (HDL, LDL, TGL)
  • Analyses of liver and kidney function: bilirubin, amylase, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine
  • Blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin (average sugar)
  • Analyses of the function of the prostate gland: PSA – prostate-specific antigens
  • Analyses of the thyroid gland: TSH – thyrotropin stimulating hormone
  • Analyses of rheumatic diseases: C-reactive protein CRP, rheumatoid factor RF, antistreptolysin O – ASO
  • Blood tests for food, indoor and outdoor allergies

Cholesterol analysis (capillary blood) 9€

Blood sugar analysis (capillary blood) 9€

Blood test package 90€